Attention – two important changes! 

First – the club has moved! Our new address is Bundgaardsskolen, Herningvej 35, 9220 Aalborg. At the school you must find the sports hall. See the attached map of the school (it starts at the parking for school visitors).

Second – our training time on Thursdays has changed! So far our regular training is on Tuesday 17.00-19.00 and on
Thursday 18.00-20.30.

See you on the mats!🥋

Corona Virus Advisory update

For English version, see bellow.

Vi kan fra i dag, 8/6, igen træne indendørs, og må være op til 50 personer samme sted.

Har lige fået melding fra kasserer Jesper, at vi først kan komme ind i dojo’en fra torsdag 11/6.

Vi holder os fortsat primært til våbentræning, da anbefalelserne fra DGI og Sundhedsstyrelsen endnu fraråder for langvarig fysisk og ansigt til ansigt kontakt. Noget vag udmelding kan man mene.

In English:

From today, 8/6, we are allowed to train indoors, with up to 50 people. We also got a notice, that we can not enter the dojo until Thursday 11/6. So the first indoor training will be on Thursday on the 11/6/2020.

We are still mainly going to focus on weaponstraining, due to the recomadations from DGI and Sundhedsstyrelsen not to have prolonged physical and face to face contact. Somewhat weak announcement, one could say.

Corona Virus Advisory

Der opfordres fra øverste myndigheder til at bl.a. træningscentre holder lukket i foreløbig 14 dage.

Næste træning er indtil videre torsdag 26/3-20 kl 18:00 14/4-20 kl 17:00 10/5-20?

English version:

It is advised from the highest authorities, that among others training centers, should be closed for until further notice for the next 14 days.

So far the next training will be Thursday 26/3-20 at 18:00 14/4-20 at 17:00 10/5-2020?