First – the club has moved! Our new address is Bundgaardsskolen, Herningvej 35, 9220 Aalborg. At the school you must find the sports hall. See the attached map of the school (it starts at the parking for school visitors).
Second – our training time on Thursdays has changed! So far our regular training is on Tuesday 17.00-19.00 and on
Thursday 18.00-20.30.
See you on the mats!
Corona Virus Advisory update
Med ønsket om er godt, og bedre, nytår, må vi samtidig se i øjnene, at vores ufrivillige juleferie er blevet forlænget til, foreløbig, søndag, 17. januar. Første træningsdag er, foreløbig, tirsdag, 19. januar.
Kan kun på det kraftigste opfordre til at træne, hvad der er muligt : konditionstræning, styrke/udholdenhedstræning, våben, og tai sabaki (kropsbevægellser), så koordinationen vedligeholdes til vi igen kan mødes.
Med venlig hilsen
Johnny Kim Sørensen
English version:
With the wish of a good, and better, new year, we also have to face, that our involuntary Christmas holiday has been extended to, so far, Sunday, January 17th. First day of training will be, for now, Tuesday, January 19th.
I urge you to practice, whatever is possible :
conditioning, stamina, weapons, and tai sabaki (body movements), so that coordination is maintained, until we are able to meet again.
Best regards
Johnny Kim Sørensen