📢 This is reminder that starting from this week we have new training time on Thursdays❗ Now both Tuesday and Thursday training start at 17:00. This now is outdated!
Bad News !
For English version, see bellow.
Indendørs aktiviteter i idrætsklubber, hvilket bl.a. er os, er lukket fra i morgen, fredag 11/12-20, til søndag 3/1-21.
Foreløbig !
Dvs næste træning er tirsdag 5/1-21 kl 1700.
Havde håbet vi kunne have trænet normalt gennem december, men nu må vi vente.
Derfor ønskes I alle en glædelig jul og et godt nytår, og forhåbentlig på gensyn 5/1-21.
Med venlig hilsen
Johnny Kim Sørensen
English version:
Indoor activities in sportsclubs, which we are among, are closed down from tomorrow, Friday 11/12-20, untill Sunday 3/1-21.
So far !
That means the next training will be Tuesday 5/1-21, at 1700.
Had hoped that we could have had normal training during December, but now we will have to wait.
Therefore I will now wish you all a Merty Christmas and a Happy New Year, and hope to see you 5/1-21.
Best regards
Johnny Kim Sørensen
Corona Virus Advisory update
For English version, see bellow.
Vi kan fra i dag, 8/6, igen træne indendørs, og må være op til 50 personer samme sted.
Har lige fĂĄet melding fra kasserer Jesper, at vi først kan komme ind i dojo’en fra torsdag 11/6.
Vi holder os fortsat primært til våbentræning, da anbefalelserne fra DGI og Sundhedsstyrelsen endnu fraråder for langvarig fysisk og ansigt til ansigt kontakt. Noget vag udmelding kan man mene.
In English:
From today, 8/6, we are allowed to train indoors, with up to 50 people. We also got a notice, that we can not enter the dojo until Thursday 11/6. So the first indoor training will be on Thursday on the 11/6/2020.
We are still mainly going to focus on weaponstraining, due to the recomadations from DGI and Sundhedsstyrelsen not to have prolonged physical and face to face contact. Somewhat weak announcement, one could say.
An update
We use our Facebook page as the main location for our updates, events announcements and other activities. You can see a copy of Facebook messages on right side on our homepage. From time to time we will do a summary post here on our homepage. So what did happen since our last update?
We had to say goodbye to our dear, very loved friend Martin Bo Jensen.
We had a great graduation of Jesper Kaagaard 4-th dan and Jesper Thomsen 1-st dan at Aalborg Aikido Dojo. Congratulations! Sensei Kim Rasmussen was kind to teach a training pass after graduation.
Then in June Gustav Rasmussen was graduated for 3 kyu. Congratulations!
In August a few of us attended the annual Aikido Shugio with sensei Fredrik Snell. This time it was held in Mora.
In the end of September took place the annual seminar by sensei Fredrik Snell in Nordjylland, Thisted.
In October all Nordjylland clubs were visited by our President of Dansk Aikido Union (DAF) – sensei Keith Olen Barger.
Then the we attended a great annual seminar in Holbæk with Shihan Ulf Evenås.
In November our Dojo cho sensei Johnny Sørensen together with sensei Fredrik Snell and several other aikidokas from Scandinavia went to attend Aikido trainings in Japan. Isoyama sensei is now 82, but he still is going strong!
Later the same month we had a great common training seminar in Odder where we had attenders and teachers from Aikido Dojo Svendborg, Odder Aikido, Aalborg Aikido Klub, Aikido Dojo Aalborg, and Thisted Aikido Klub.
On December 15th we had graduation of Gert (6-th kyu) and Kaare (5-th kyu). Congratulations!
On the 2-nd of February we attended a single day friendship training hosted by the Thisted Aikido Klub where teachers from different Nordjylland dojos were teaching.
Then we had our annual Aalborg seminar with Shihan Ulf EvenĂĄs. As always it was a great seminar! At the seminar Kenneth Schultz Gjerulff from Aalborg Aikido Dojo received the 5-th dan certificate. Congratulations!
Our webpage was moved from one hosting provider to another. We had hiccup here so unfortunately our page was not available for some days.
And many more things did happen! Now we are looking forward to get over with Corona virus so we could resume training in our dojo!
Corona Virus Advisory
Der opfordres fra øverste myndigheder til at bl.a. træningscentre holder lukket i foreløbig 14 dage.
Næste træning er indtil videre torsdag 26/3-20 kl 18:00 14/4-20 kl 17:00 10/5-20?
English version:
It is advised from the highest authorities, that among others training centers, should be closed for until further notice for the next 14 days.
So far the next training will be Thursday 26/3-20 at 18:00 14/4-20 at 17:00 10/5-2020?
Martin Bo Jensen

It saddens us to announce that last Thursday our dear friend Martin Bo Jensen, 1. Dan, lost the fight against cancer.
Martin was father for
Camilla and Jesper.
In our memory he will stay for ever a smiling, welcoming, a very warm, good person.
The funeral will take place at
GodthĂĄb Church, Wednesday the 17-th of April at 11:00.
The club is moving to a new place!
Sensei Johnny Kim Sørensen received the 5th dan!
The Aikikai Foundation has announced the new list of aikidokas who received their dan grades: http://www.aikikai.or.jp/pdf/suisen/h27.pdf We would like to congratulate our sensei Johnny Kim Sørensen who now holds the 5th dan! Also congratulations to our friends who also now hold the 5th dan: Takemusu Aiki Danmark: Robert Vedel MacKay (Roskilde Aikido Klub), Thomas and Lene (Frederiksberg Aikido Klub). Troels D. Christensen  and David Godtllib from Københavns Aikido Klub.